
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Way

Many of us Christians say it without a second thought that Jesus is the only way.  But how do we know and how do we keep that stance when there are “Christians” (whom I will include them into the group of false teachers from this point on) that claims that there are many ways to God and to heaven?  We must understand who God is and who He isn’t, how we get to God the Father and how we don’t, and why we must believe in Jesus Christ.  To know God, who He is, we must first understand that we cannot know Him fully; (Isa 40:28) God allows us to know Him in a limited way by way of revealing himself to us by way of His word and through His creation.  (1 Cor 2:10-16, Rom 1:19-20) 
So let’s start with what God isn’t.  God is not a deist god.  Deists believe that God created everything, but doesn’t meddle with human affairs or sustains/maintains natural laws.  (Job 12:10, Psm 65:9-13, Psm 104: 10-14, Col 1:17, Heb 1:3)  They think that God created everything, but allows humans live their lives as they please.  God is not in everything this would be pantheism.  Pantheists believe that the universe, nature and God, are the same.  The Bible is very clear that God is one God and that He is three persons; He is a triune God.  (Isa 48:16, Eph 2:18, 1 John 5:7, 2 Cor 13:14) God doesn’t switch from God the Father to God the Son or God the Holy Spirit.  That would be modalism.  God does not appear as a mode of the Son or the mode of the Father.  This is the denial of the triune God.  All three persons of the trinity have existed from eternity past through eternity future.  Jesus is not a created being.  (John 1:1-5)  God has been in control and will be in control forever.  God does not struggle with Satan and his evil ways.  This is dualism.  God is not in a constant struggle like a suspense movie where the bad guy is just one step away from his evil plot succeeding.  Satan wants you to believe that God struggles with evil.  Once again the Bible is very clear that God is in control and that He has Satan under His full control.  Job 1 is one example where God allows Satan to test Job, but God is in full control of Satan. 
In a previous post I mentioned about having a constant, a baseline that doesn’t change.  This is important because if your baseline changes, what then can you do to ascertain your life and its structure?  The God of the Bible, the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, King David, the Apostles, is your God; He is immutable—unchanging.  He is the same from eternity past through eternity future.   
So what is God then?  God is spirit. (John 4:24, Rom 1:20)  God is love (1 John 4:8, 16) and He loves us. (John 15:9-14) God sent his son to die for us (John 3:16, Rom 5:8).  God is eternal (Psm 90:2, 1 Tim 1:17) and He is Holy (1 Sam 2:2, John 17:11, 1 Pet 1:16) which means absolutely separated from evil.  He is immortal (1 Tim 1:17, 1 Tim 6:16) which is not created, but ever-living and infinite.  (1 King 8:27, Psm 145:3, Jer 23:24)  He is omnipresent (Matt 18:20, Rom 8:9) and omnipotent (Jer 32:17, Luke 1:37).
Prior to Jesus dying on the cross, the Hebrews came to God through the high priest.  Aaron is the second high priest.  In Exodus 24 God gives the covenant to Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy elders of Israel.  From Exodus 25 through Exodus 31, Moses is instructed on how to communicate to God and how to build the Tabernacle, its furnishings, alter, Ark of the Covenant, priest’s garments, and the Sabbath.  God informs Moses what the high priest is to wear when entering the Most Holy Place. 
Everything was very precise and must have been spectacular to have seen.  Only the high priest was allowed in the Most Holy place and only once per year.  If anyone disobeyed God’s commandments, His wrath would be upon them either leprosy or even death.  Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, offered unauthorized fire before God and God struck them down. (Lev 10)  God was only approachable on His terms.  The ephod that the high priest wore had a breast plate with 12 stones, one for each tribe of Israel.  On the shoulder pieces of the ephod were two stones with six names one each stone for the twelve tribes.  (Ex 28)  It is said that when Aaron went into the Most Holy Place, he was bearing all of the troubles and sins of the 12 tribes on his shoulders and on his heart.  So why don’t we do this anymore, because Jesus is our high priest.  The Hebrews were waiting for the Messiah.  Until the Messiah came, they would have to offer up sacrifices to God to make that down payment to God for their sins until the final sacrifice was made—The Lamb of God.  Jesus came to Father as the final sacrifice as our high priest.  Just as Aaron, or any high priest in the OT for that matter, entered into the Most Holy Place, so did Jesus. 

The Most Holy Place is represented as Heaven, the dwelling place of God.  God is the interior decorator for the tabernacle.  He instructed Moses to create a glorious area for God to dwell.  In heaven there are cherubim likewise God instructed Moses to have a skilled person to sew cherubim on the tapestries in the Most Holy Place.  The further you go into the tabernacle the closer you get to God and the more beautiful it gets just like when you’re leaving the Most Holy Place through the Tabernacle to the courtyard the beauty dissipates.  The metals that are used in the Most Holy place are of gold and as you move further away the less precious the metals are—silver and bronze.  That is how life is.  The further you get away from God the less beautiful and wonderful everything is.  The only one who was allowed to fellowship with God was the high priest.  Again, none were allowed in the tabernacle let alone in the Most Holy Place.  When Jesus died on the cross, He took away that veil that stood between God the Father and everything else.  He is the veil.  We can go directly to God the Father through Jesus.  That is awesome!!   Jesus tells us that we can only get to the Father through Him, that He is the narrow gate. (Matt 7:13)  He is the way; the only way.  (John 14:6)  This is most important, for false teachers say that you can get to the God the Father by means other than Jesus.  Jesus says:  The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”  (John 5:22-24)  If you do not honor the Son you cannot honor the Father.  Jesus is coequal to the Father and coeternal.  Jesus is the only way for salvation.  (Acts 4:12)  There are many religions that believe that there is more than one way to get to God the Father.  The Bible is very clear on this.  Much like there is only one way to get into the tabernacle there is only one way to get to God the Father and that is through the veil Jesus Christ.  (Heb 10:19-22)  We must remember that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14) and he will stop at nothing to deceive us in thinking that there are other ways to God the Father or other paths to salvation.   If you believe that the Bible is the written word of God and that all word are true and inerrant, then you must read and follow them and let not your heart go astray.  He alone is the way. 

- In His Holy Name